It’s never too late to be a drama queen…
We re-opened 6 weeks ago and our child and teen classes are FULL!!!! I’m so happy. It’s been such a huge and relentless worry wondering whether we would survive ‘the big pause’. I know I shouldn’t be so sentimental as it’s ‘only work’ but Meladrama is my life!
It’s a miracle really as my personal relationships normally only last 3 months so how I’ve done 16 years is beyond me! I’m not ashamed to admit that we are welcoming the second generation with some families too. How beautiful is that?! I know teach drama to the children of children I used to teach!!
Unfortunately over the last term I had to abandon baby number 1 (Meladrama) for baby number 2 (Leo). Covid bubbles meant my son had to have me chaperoning him throughout his filming. But all’s well that ends well – my wonderful and talented sister has been running Meladrama while I have been away chaperoning Leo and it’s been a fantastic experience for our young actors. I have thoroughly enjoyed creating and developing fabulous but challenging lesson plans – and with Faye’s unique and enthusiastic approach to teaching drama – it’s just been really refreshing and enjoyable to watch! Dare I say it…… apparently she’s ‘amazing and the best teacher I have ever had’. Yup – students I have taught for 3 years actually told me that! It’s a good job I have a thick skin and I’m just taking it as a massive compliment because guess who taught Faye?! Yours truly!
So that’s the kids sorted…
Now what about the adults? Well the good news is we’re re-opening next week! The even better news is that prices remain the same! Before COVID we had really strong adult actors attending our adult classes. We helped secure representation for many of them – and more have appeared on tv and in film. Others just enjoyed having a hobby that allowed them to be totally creative than some thing like BODY COMBAT – and many more enjoyed the friendship, support and confidence boost they got from attending classes!
Whatever the reason for attending adult acting classes I want you to know – it’s never too late to be a drama queen or chase those dreams! It’s a profession (or hobby) that actually celebrates life experience! You don’t need any levels of fitness, you don’t need fancy clothes, you don’t need anything except your life experiences. Drama class is an excellent way to forget personal difficulties for a while – Doctor Theatre fixes everything! I can vouch for that!
Come and give us a try!
Adult classes start on Tuesday 15th June at 7.45-9.15 pm at Creativity Works in Preston. Please note any new starters will be expected to attend an online interview to assess suitability before attending face to face classes.
Please e mail melanie@meladrama.co.uk for more details