9 November 2017

Acting for TV Showcase & Awards

It’s been a really fantastic Autumn term at Meladrama. The focus has been solely on acting for TV. It’s one of my favourite terms at Meladrama as I LOVE TV drama and film.
I have developed and teach a method and system that helps students and actors to study and make decisions about the dialogue and text quickly and easily. This understanding then enables students to create character and situation and then listen and react naturally and truthfully. Alongside text study I also utilise the use of cameras, so the students get a firm understanding of camera angles and terminology. The terms work will culminate in every student preparing a 2-minute monologue, to be filmed with a professional director. The pieces will be shown on a HUGE screen for friends and family! Digital downloads of student’s work will also be available (order below) with the best being featured on our website, social media and shared with casting directors. Those ‘on it’ parents will hopefully notice an improvement in their children’s comprehension at school too!
Tickets for the event are available below. Please ensure you choose the correct showing.
Children from both the Preston and Horwich (6-7.30 classes) will show their work at 6pm.
Teenagers and adults from Preston and Horwich (7.30-9 classes) will show their work at 7.30.
Due to the adult themes under 12’s will not be admitted to the 2nd showing without a prior conversation and consent from Mel.
Directly after each showcase we will present our Meladrama Acting Awards – voted for by the students and staff at Meladrama, our awards celebrate hard work, commitment, attainment and talent! So have your acceptance speeches ready and Dress To Impress – cos yes! There WILL be a red carpet, photographers and the iconic Oscar awards too!!!

The Continental, Preston, PR1 8JP

Tuesday 19th December
Younger Classes – 6pm
Teenagers/Adults – 7.30pm

Choose correct class show